Fern & Gum

Why showing appreciation is important in the workplace

Caroline Shelbourne
Fauxels from Pexels_FernandGum_TeamAppreciation_OtwayArtisanHampers

How good does it feel when someone tells you what a great job you’ve done, or even shows you how much they value what you’ve been doing with simple gift.

Appreciation in the workplace can be as simple as saying “thank you” for a job well done or for completing a project quickly.

Showing how much someone is valued in the workplace plays a key role in creating a positive organisational culture and strengthening employee-leader relationships.

Many studies have revealed that appreciation is one of the proven methods to motivate employees, make them more productive, and committed to their jobs.

But what are the benefits of showing appreciation in the workplace?

Benefits in the workplace include:

  1. Improving productivity.
    When employees know their hard work is appreciated and recognised, they feel that their work is valued. And this motivates them to maintain and improve their great performance.

  2. Improving workplace morale.
    Showing appreciation to an employee creates a ripple effect in the workplace. An employee who feels appreciated is highly likely to show appreciation to their co-workers and other team members.

  3. Keeping employees engaged. In addition to improving productivity, showing appreciation in the workplace also increases employee engagement and dedication.

  4. Buildingstaff loyalty.
    The Robert Half study show 66% of employees leave their job because of a lack of appreciation.

Leading expert on workplace happiness, Dr. Christine Carter states, “Fostering positive emotions through gratitude is easy and powerful. The science on this is blazingly clear. There are loads of research studies that show how much higher functioning people are when they feel appreciated by their teams and their manager.”

How to give appreciation

Appreciation should be a daily event, simply by giving positive feedback and thanks for good ongoing work. Appreciation can be shown to the whole team and this helps build engagement and a culture that everyone wants to be part of.

Christmas provides a perfect time to kick start your new appreciation focus, and to help remind staff how much you value their work. An elegant and thoughtful gift box, that contains a range of delicious Otway festive goodies will no doubt make them feel like you reall care, (rather than a frozen turkey or ham) and reinvigorate them for their work aheaad 2021.

To learn more about making your staff happy visit https://www.roberthalf.com.au/ and https://corporatecommunicationexperts.com.au

Thinking of sending a Fern & Gum | Otway Artisan Hamper
To order a gift that will make your staff feel truly valued, while supporting small business across the Otways, give Fern & Gum a call today.

Image: Fauxels from Pexels